Blog | Centerfirst

The Importance of Creating a Story with Data

Written by Centerfirst | Feb 25, 2022 7:06:08 PM

Storytelling has been around as long as humans have. It is an amazing way to take information and make it relatable to others and their experiences, and it is significantly easier to recall and retell due to the images and emotions evoked.

Most people do not look at data and find it anywhere near as exciting as a story. It can be hard to decipher and comprehend, and even more difficult to implement changes based on data alone. As we continue to become a more data-focused and driven society, it is imperative that we better understand how to pull stories out of the data we find.


In the PharmaVoice article Turning Data Into Storytelling, author Robin Robinson explains how important it is that while analyzing data there is a storyteller working closely to translate the insights into a story that can be understood and told by business leaders. These stories need to show empathy and include metaphors, analogies, and anecdotes that bring the data to life. Robin admits that “no matter how great the data are, if the audience can’t relate, the data won’t compel them to act.”

At Centerfirst our clients come to us with hundreds of hours of calls and unstructured data, which we then analyze and turn into a story including insights and guidance on how to implement impactful change within their contact centers. This story is about the experience that customers have when interacting with our client’s company, which is extremely valuable as our clients usually don’t have transparency into the day-to-day operations of their contact center.

From this story, we then offer guidance to help our clients make the most out of their contact center interactions. Our experts at Centerfirst work to develop a plan that includes agent, program, and customer-level solutions that you can implement to save money, time, and improve your customer’s experience.

The audio blog below delves more into how our team at Centerfirst turns data into storytelling and guidance.


Listen to Pete's explanation to learn more:


Contact us if you have any questions or comments.